The Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project (SGP) is an open, community-oriented, database driven research consortium. It is a domain-specific project, meaning that it has been designed to accommodate the needs of researchers working in the deep-time sedimentary geochemical sciences.
The SGP provides researchers with an archive of published and unpublished data tables containing a variety of geochemical and paleoenvironmental datasets for the most relevant sedimentary rocks from millions to billions of years in age, from many diverse lithologies, and from many grains. In addition, the SGP website is tailored to make it easy to find and retrieve these data.
We are also building a collaborative community for SGP, in which researchers are incentivized to contribute data by giving them priority access and the opportunity to work on exciting questions in group papers. In this way, SGP is a unique database-driven project.
How to Use SGP with Data sgpData
SGP is used as part of the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) to measure student growth and development, in particular as an indicator of academic progress. This information is useful to educators as they strive to meet the needs of all students. It can help educators determine which instructional strategies are most effective and provide the best possible educational experiences for their students.
Educators can also use SGP data to identify students who need additional support or enrichment opportunities in order to reach their academic goals and increase their chances of success in school. For example, a teacher may identify a group of students who need additional math support in order to ensure they are at or above their grade level by the end of the year.
In the United States, a student’s SGP is defined as the growth percentile of that student’s achievement relative to other students with similar prior achievement levels. This number is derived from the student’s scale score on an assessment, typically from a state or district-wide test.
There are several ways to calculate a student’s SGP. First, we can estimate the student’s growth percentile using a statistical formula. Second, we can compare the student’s growth percentile to that of other students in the same state or district.
Third, we can estimate the student’s SGP by examining the relationship between scale scores and other assessment results (e.g., teacher evaluations, teacher effectiveness, and student growth). Moreover, we can compare the SGP to a variety of other data sources that are commonly used to evaluate students’ progress and performance, including national surveys.
The SGP data set contains five years of assessment data for each student. The first column in the data set is ID, and it gives a unique student identifier. The next columns in the data set are the grade level and time associated with each assessment occurrence. The last columns in the data set are the scale scores associated with each assessment occurrence.