The Sydney prize is an impressive award that honors those making a difference in society. It has become a worldwide symbol of prestige and recognition. This award is given to those who strive hard to achieve their dreams, and is a great way to show them that the world supports their efforts. The award can help them in their future endeavors, as it comes with significant amounts of money.
This prize was established in memory of Professor Sidney Cox, who had a profound impact on thousands of students both inside and outside the classroom. It is given to undergraduate writing that best meets his high standards of originality and integrity. This year Sophia Jactel from art history won the prize for her paper entitled “Domesticity and Diversions: Josef Israels’s Smoker as a Symbol of Peasant Culture and Home in Nineteenth-Century Holland.”
The Hillman Prizes, inaugurated in 1950, honor investigative reporting and deep storytelling in service to the common good. Since then, the Foundation has honored contributors to the daily and periodical press, as well as authors and broadcasters. It is the only foundation of its kind that gives these awards to both journalistic work and the subjects covered by it.
Nazanin Boniadi is a courageous and tireless advocate for human rights and women’s freedom in Iran. The City of Sydney, along with the Sydney Peace Foundation, is proud to support her work and honour her for her tireless pursuit of justice. “Nazanin’s activism and advocacy for human rights is turning outrage into action, and we are very pleased to be able to support her with the Sydney Peace Prize,” said Lord Mayor Clover Moore.
The Neilma Sydney Short Story Prize, a collaboration between Overland magazine and the Sydney Prize fund, is an annual competition open to all Overland readers and subscribers. It is a blind-judged prize with an entry limit of 3000 words. It is a great opportunity for young writers to develop their talents and build confidence in their writing. This year’s judges were Laura Elvery, Paige Clark and Michael Winkler.
The 2022 Neilma Sydney Short Story Prize has closed, and we are delighted to announce that Yeena Kirkbright has won this year’s prize for her work ‘Camperdown Grief Junk’. Overland congratulates Yeena and all our shortlisted entrants on their outstanding work, and we would like to thank everyone who took the time to submit. You can view the full shortlist here. The winner will receive a $5000 cash prize, and Overland will publish the winning piece in our Summer 2023 edition. The judges would also like to express their thanks to the Sydney Prize fund for their generous support of this competition.